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 Healthy Living

The Healthy Living Personal Program





 Create a healthy plan for living with wise choices in foods and activities. Teaching and advising about having a balanced diet to simple changes in lifestyle that will have positive effects on your general health. A simple approach to ease you into a healthier life.

We will develop a naturopathic diet for you and get you active in exercises like Tai Chi, yoga, walks and/or hikes.

If interested in Yoga, Diane will teach you basic poses that you can easily add into your daily routine or start a weekly practice with me . Yoga is an ancient and complex practice, rooted in Indian philosophy but I focused on simple poses that anyone can do. It is a way of promoting physical and mental well-being.

If interested in Tai Chi, Steven will teach and perform the katas (forms) with you, so that you may combine them into your daily meditative and exercise routines and/or start a weekly session with Steven.

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese meditative, exercise, and martial art practice that focuses  on simple mind body harmonious slow movement that helps benefit the circulatory, endocrine, nervous, systems.

If you're interested in walks and/or hikes,

Diane will get you up and going with neighborhood walks. Neighborhood walks will average at half mile to a mile in length. Then when you are ready for longer distances, we will go to the next level with Urban Walks around your part of town. The Urban Walks will be at least five miles in distance round trip. All walks will start from your residence.

For beginners, hikes will be done at any of the metro parks in Columbus. When you are ready for more difficult and longer distances, we will go to any of the state parks within an hour of Columbus.

Fruits and Vegetables
Tai Chi in Motion
Bridge into the Woods
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